
2525 McCue Road #239 Houston, Texas 77056-5134

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You write it.
We right it.

From your first creative spark to choosing the words that express your idea.

Developmental editing

This is the foundation stage of the editing process. We scrutinize the structure, and organization..

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Substantive (line) editing

During this stage of the editing process, we tighten and polish your work at the prose level...

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Query letter writing/critiques

Agents and publishers have their own rules about how to submit your work for their...

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We will help you every step of the way with our mentoring program...

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About us

Pen and Pixel LLC

We are dedicated book editors and marketers. Our goal is to help authors get their manuscripts into shape and onto the right desks in the publishing industry. Let us help you create a future best-seller!

  • Developmental editing
  • Marketing
  • Mentoring
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Blurb/Synopsis writing/Critiques

An agent or publisher may ask you to take an active role in marketing your work by preparing blurbs (marketing copy) or synopses (summaries) of your text. We’ll help you market your work with strong, tight copy that promotes your story or message.

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What We Provide




Developmental editing — This is the foundation stage of the editing process. We scrutinize the structure, organization, logic, flow and consistency of your work, from characters and dialogues to pacing, plots and subplots, chapters and themes. In this stage, we offer advice on building a well-executed story or non-fiction work.



Research agents and publishers – Finding the right person or company to represent you is often the key to success in publishing, yet it can be overwhelming and time-consuming to locate that agent or publisher. We’ll save you time by researching and making recommendations of the agents and publishers most likely to accept your work.



Mentoring We will help you every step of the way with our mentoring program, in which we assist you on an hourly basis from the developmental editing stage to post-submission formatting, at a special discounted rate on a retainer basis.

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Our Team Member

Jennifer Finger

President and Chief Executive Officer

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